Affordable Cooperative Office Space in Toronto with Free Internet*
Posted on February 12th, 2010
I am just heading out for the weekend, but we wanted to let everyone know of a new service offering we are providing. Please read on…
The economy is certainly taking its time to bounce back for a lot of people and businesses. I think something that we have all learned and, as a result, we will start to see more of the notion that “less is more.”
The point being that this new era of recession survivors are looking to do a lot more, for a lot less, especially when it comes to their fixed overhead costs. Office space rent is always a big ticket item for individuals or businesses.
You are probably wondering what the heck I have mentioned above has anything to do with Affordable Cooperative Office Space in Toronto…well it does in the sense that the real estate market in Toronto is going through a transition right now, from a commercial office space leasing point of view (as well as many others!). Of course you have the real estate brokers that continue to sign Hollywood deals, but these are few and far between.
We are no real estate guru’s nor do we have all the answers, we just speak simply from experience, having owned our location for the last 15 years.
The home of SevenL Networks Inc. resides in 7 Labatt Avenue. We are very fortunate to be in such a unique building in Torontos next hottest upcoming area, Regent Park. Gentrification happens outside our doors on a daily basis now. Sure, people have (and continue too) stuck their noses up at us before because of where we are located. Not everyone can work out of King and Bay St., and not everyone wants to as well :). Not that we have anything against that area, we get along with all walks of life, we just gear more towards the creative community of designers, developers, and everyone in between.
We are pleased to announce our new Cooperative Office Space offering. This is a great opportunity for people or small businesses that do not want to be locked into a long term or ANY lease agreement. Uncertain times, call for innovation, and collaboration with like minded people.
This new initiative will be marketed under a subsidiary brand of SevenL Networks Inc., called Locus Quo (“The scene of the Event”). Our goal with Locus Quo is very simple – to connect like minded people in a clean, innovative, comfortable, and collaborative environment. Although Locus Quo website is still under development, we promise we are working to get it launched ASAP.
To check out our new service initiative, please go HERE.
Have a great long weekend =-)