Welcome IPv6, the enabler of a larger version of the Internet
Posted on June 6th, 2012
“Today is the launch day of IPv6”. This statement made the headlines in the news all over the world, today. Articles are concerned how tech companies deal with the adoption of the new protocol and how it impacts data centre providers. But what does the launch IPv6 actually mean? Nowadays, there are billions […]
Happy Birthday 7L Networks!
Posted on June 1st, 2012
As 7L rolls into it’s 9th year of business, we’d like to thank all of our supporters over the years. We are most thankful to our customers, friends, family, current and previous staff members. As we embark on almost a decade of business, we are thrilled to have the opportunity of continuing to equip business […]
The Maze of Data Center Ownership Costs: To build or not to build?
Posted on May 29th, 2012
One major reason why data center owners might fail is the underestimation and miscalculation of data center ownership costs. Due to the fragmented nature of the industry, even experienced providers face difficulties with pinpointing their exact ownership costs. Running a data center needs to be associated with many different types of cost expenses. Some of […]