Custom Dedicated Server Hosting and VPS and its Benefits

Posted on July 20th, 2009

Custom Dedicated Server Hosting and VPS and its Benefits

To some people, the idea of being able to customize their dedicated server hosting is a no-brainer. Others, however, are either unaware of its benefits or unaware of it being an option to them as most dedicated server providers don’t offer it as an option. Why would custom dedicated hosting be of benefit to these people? I’ll try to explain.

Your Business and Needs are Unique!

Simply put, you’re not a number! Since your business and needs are unique, shouldn’t your dedicated server or VPS be too? Too often I’ve seen customers trying to squeeze a square into a round hole. In other words, trying to use a dedicated server package that just isn’t made for the functions they’re going to use it for. They may be doing it to save a dollar or two each month or they may not have a full understanding of their needs. While other people enjoy the challenge of taking a server and trying to make it work for what they want, but when it comes to business you need a dedicated hosting server that’s going to work properly. In addition, that server should have the necessary room for expansion, should your business require that as time goes on.

Custom Dedicated Servers and VPS

The ability to customize your dedicated server or VPS hosting means that you’re building the hardware and hosting aspects of your online applications to match the requirements of your server’s software. It’s the only way to streamline your online operations without going to an over-built dedicated server. Such a server will most definitely be over-priced for your needs, and these days who has extra money for dedicated hosting services that are being underutilized?

Custom Dedicated Server Hosting with SevenL Networks

Custom Dedicated Server Hosting with SevenL Networks

SevenL Networks has a series of dedicated server configuration tools to assist their customers in building the servers they need. And not only dedicated servers but virtual private servers too. So you have the opportunity to meet the exact needs of your businesses online hosting and applications.

Here’s the links:

Celeron Dedicated Server Customization Tool

Pentium Dedicated Server Customization Tool

Multi-Core Dedicated Server Customization Tool

VPS Custom Configure Tool

Balancing Your Dedicated Hosting Needs vs Future Expansion

It’s important to have some kind of general idea of where your company is going over the next 12 months when it comes to your online applications, and therefore your dedicated server too. The best way to determine this is to know your own business inside-out and the trends within your industry. Do your research on the hosting company, but more importantly before making any decision on a dedicated server or VPS research the online aspect of your industry. This will help at least give a general idea of what you can expect and that will assist in finding the right hosting solution. On the other hand, if moving to dedicated hosting and getting your business online is a completely new venture, knowing how your online presence will perform can be very difficult to predict. In cases like this, the advice I would give is start with a relatively small dedicated server but one that has plenty of room for growth and expansion. That way, the impact of any service upgrades will be very minimal. Also it may be best to go with managed dedicated server hosting to begin with as it places the responsibility of server maintenance on the hosting provider. This frees up a LOT of time for your staff so the can stick to their core competencies and it should considered quite seriously.

Custom Dedicated Server Doesn’t Mean You Need to Know Hardware

So you have a pretty good idea of what you will be expecting from your websites but you’re not sure what type of dedicated server or VPS specifications you’ll need. That’s ok. Tooled with the knowledge you have gained from researching your industry’s online presence, you can approach most reputable dedicated hosting providers and they can assist you with your customization. SevenL Networks is happy to help customers determine which dedicated hosting server components should go into their server.