Learn Something New

Posted on August 21st, 2008

Cassius Adams

Some people need something new every day, but most people end up in a daily routine.

Routines can often get imprinted on our brains to the point where we begin to function in ‘autopilot’.  If you’ve ever walked, jogged, biked or driven past a set of street lights only to wonder moments later if it was even green, you’ve experienced autopilot.  It can come in handy, especially for those boring, repetitive, menial tasks, but it can also lead to boredom, complacency, and laziness.

It’s been said that the brain is a muscle, and like all muscles it needs to get a workout every now and then to keep it in shape.  Try learning something new…  even if it’s not something that you find terribly interesting in the beginning.  It’ll help to get your brain active again.  You may also find that it causes you start to paying more attention to those daily tasks and there’s a good chance you’ll pick up on things you hadn’t before.  Maybe even help make your daily life more efficient.

Break the routine every now and then to learn something new.  It’s good exercise.