MRTG Snort Alerts

Posted on February 20th, 2009

Example method of graphing Snort alerts from a Postgresql database

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# SevenL Networks Inc.
# Ash Palmer
# 2009-02-20

use strict;
use DBI;
use DBD::Pg;

my $host=”localhost”;
my $port=”5432″;

my $database=”snort”;
my $user=”snort”;
my $password=”your_database_password”;

my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:Pg:dbname=$database;host=$host;port=$port”,
{AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0}
) || die “Couldn’t connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n”;

my $sql = qq{ SELECT COUNT(timestamp) from event WHERE extract(‘epoch’ from now()-timestamp) < 600 };
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );

my $data = $sth->fetch();

for my $element (@{ $data} ) {
print “$element\n”

print “0\n”;

MRTG Configuration file.

WorkDir: /usr/pkg/share/httpd/htdocs/mrtg
MaxBytes[snort]: 100
Title[snort]: Snort
PageTop[snort]: Snort
YLegend[snort]: Alerts (min)
Options[snort]: nopercent,growright,gauge,noinfo
RunAsDaemon: Yes
Interval: 10

Starting MRTG

# /usr/pkg/bin/mrtg /usr/pkg/etc/mrtg/snort.conf

This method has been tested on NetBSD but im positive it will work on all Linux and UNIX versions with a little modification.

Ash Palmer
Network Security Logistics