Ubuntu 8.10, hardware sensors and temperatures

Posted on November 19th, 2008

You will first have to refer to your motherboard for the chip that supports hardware sensors.  Any easy way to tell if you computer has hardware sensors; go in the BIOS and see if you can find the CPU temperatures, fan speeds etc.  This will only tell you if your motherboard has hardware sensors. You will still need to find the chip or if your lucky, lm_sensors will find it for you. For a large number of Gigabyte motherboards, the chip is IT871.

If you are using Ubuntu, it is very easy to get lm_sensors hardware sensors working if you know your chipset. Login as root, and follow the simple script below.

  • more /proc/cpuinfo
  • apt-get install lm-sensors
  • sensors-detect  <–Yes to SuperIO!
  • adding it87 to /etc/modules  <–your chip may not be it87
  • reboot
  • sensors