Working Harder and Smarter

Posted on February 23rd, 2009

At SevenL Networks Inc. we are always working harder to provide a better service for our clients at the most affordable price. We are here for the long term, and our clients understand this. SevenL Networks Inc., is committed to our clients through “good times, and bad.” Authentic, true, customer service is often sought after, but rarely realized in our world of Data Center services and hosting solutions. We will continue to stand by our customers, and keep on working to raise the bar on a global level of how customer service should be practiced.

At the risk of “dating myself,” I was reminiscing the other day about how many Canadian “recessions” that I have experienced since joining the workforce permanently in the early 1970’s.

The number came to FIVE. 1974-1975, 1980-1982, 1990-1992, 2000-2002 and now here we are 2009…?

Interesting to note that the last three cropped up every ten years or so…

The two big lessons that I learned for survival reasons during those past difficult times were:

1. We, as a society, all have to work harder and smarter – learning quickly to do a good job with fewer available resources.

2. We really have to appreciate the resources and opportunities we have right in front of us – e.g. Our time, talent, money and relationships. Be willing to reach out more and share the resources intelligently with staff, clients, organizations and individuals.

Let’s face it – we are all in the same boat now, and the media keeps announcing all the “bad news” every minute of everyday. This negative news strategy might help their circulation, but their advertising revenue is well down, and layoffs have hit the media hard as well…

Let’s not fall into this trap. Let’s pull together in a positive way, doing our best to get the real economy going again and get back on the growth track!